*Ring ring* 

Hello, FlashBuster.Co here. Your one and only company for all your ghost busting needs.

Customer service speaking ,how can I help?

Ghost troubles, No worries. Try our lastest Ghost Repellent Flashlight. With just a LEFT CLICK of a switch all those ghastly ghost will be gone in jiffy. Now  on sale.

What? not good enough. Alright, since you're our  valuable customer , we'll throw in our limited edition ghost repellent light bulbs. It'll really LIGHT them up ;) *Self installation required*

Thank you for choosing FlashBuster services.

Have a good FlashBusting day.

*Ring ring* 

Hello, FlashBuster.Co here. Your one and only company for all your ghost busting needs.

Customer service speaking ,how can I help?

The Ghost have you surrounded. They seem to have gained intelligence. No worries. Luckily for you, FlashBuster.co provides a premium package containing a state of the art proton pack. 

The FlashBusterMuster2300 Rapid Fire Edition will make those ghost disappear as quick as the flick of a light switch ;)  It's strong, powerful and environmentally friendly. 

Thank you for choosing FlashBuster services

Have a good FlashBusting day .


FlashlightBuster.zip 36 MB

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